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Why social media alone isn’t enough

Picture of a phone where an image of Facebook is visble

Social media (and Facebook in particular) is a fantastic way of showcasing your school. It allows you to reach your audience of prospective parents (and students for sixth forms or UTCs), to create a sense of community and as a game-changing way of telling your school’s unique story.  But where’s it all going? So often […]

Facebook – why should a school be using it?

Picture of phone with the Facebook app visible

When it comes to social media, we often say to school leaders: “You may be firmly in the anti-Facebook camp in your personal life, but when it comes to marketing your school, it’s essential.” Or we might just say: “Do it!” Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, and as of January […]

Using Facebook to promote your MAT

When it comes to Facebook we often say to our clients ‘you don’t have to like it, or use it in your personal life, but it’s essential in your professional life’. Facebook and MATs may not seem like they should go hand-in-hand, but when it comes to promoting your school, or creating a sense of […]